What should I do if my dentist retires or sells his practice?

When your dentist retires, the first step is to reflect on how you felt about your previous dentist. 

1. If going to the dentist always was unpleasant or you felt there might be a “better dentist out there” who understood your needs or could deliver dentistry that was more comfortable and looked better, then now is a perfect time to make a clean break. A lot of people will be transferring their records, so you can find a new dental home that you are comfortable with. 

2. If you have been seeing your dentist for a long time and love the practice, try out the new dentist at a cleaning appointment and see how you feel. (You may find the new dentist is trying to recoup the money they used to buy the practice with an aggressive filling or crown philosophy.) If you suddenly experience an uptick in dental work that you are told “needs to be done” by the new dentist, call Gordon Center for General and Advanced Dentistry for a free second opinion.

Our dentists have close to 50 years combined experience. They only recommend what needs to be done.

Click here or call 301-258-1998 to schedule an appointment.


What can I eat with dental implants?


What if I am afraid of the dentist?